ULTRAWAVES – Wasser- und Umwelttechnologien GmbH
Becker-Goering-Strasse 17-25
76307 Karlsbad, Germany
Phone: +49 7248 9166-171

Contact form


In this area you will find the current brochures, certificates and the general terms and conditions of ULTRAWAVES - Wasser- und Umwelttechnologien GmbH for download.

Image brochure

Die Imagebroschüre von Ultrawaves liegt auf einem Tisch, daneben steht eine Tasse Kaffee

In our image brochure, you will find everything you need to know about ULTRAWAVES - Wasser- und Umwelttechnologien GmbH and our portfolio of services. Please feel free to view and download the brochure.

ULTRAWAVES Image (2,4 MB) 
English German


Eine aufgeschlagene Ultrawaves Broschüre

WASTEWATER PLANTS - Ultrasonic system for disintegration (6,9 MB) 
English German

BIOGAS PLANTS - Ultrasonic system for disintegration (2,2 MB)
English | German

BIOSONATOR - Complete system for energy generation with high-power ultrasonic on biogas plants (2,1 MB)
English | German

Product descriptions

Eine Person hält ein Tablet in der Hand

Ultrasonic reactor for sewage sludge disintegration (207 KB)
English | German


How Pre-treatment reduces contamination and aids-digestion - UKAD&Biogas, Birmingham, 4. July 2013,
PDF (2,9 MB)English only

Sonicated sludge as carbon source for denitrification  - Case study of first Australian application - AWA Ozwater'15 Conference, Adelaide, 12.-14. Mai 2015,
PDF (6 MB),  English only


Ein Stapel Zeitschriften liegen auf einem Schreibtisch

Nickel, K.:  Ultrasonic disintegration of biosolids - benefits, consequences and new strategies ;
PDF (98 KB), English only

Thomas, M., Rojas, P., Reynolds, S., Wellings, R. (2013):  Sonicated sludge as carbon source for denitrification ;
PDF (417 KB), English only


Mann mit Megafon vor dem Gesicht

In the Press section, you will find reports about ULTRAWAVES and ultrasonic technology published in magazines and on the radio in recent years.

Treatment of Municipal Sludge by efficient Thermal Drying - Water Engineering Magazine, 11.03.2018 
PDF (2,25 MB), English only

More power through high-performance ultrasonic technology - BW agrar, 16.01.2018 
Only in German

Phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge - W&A Technik, 30.11.2017 
Only in German

Energy self-sufficient wastewater treatment plant - W&A Technik, 29.11.2017
Only in German

Biogas with ultrasonic - DAS MAGAZIN, Employee newspaper of the SONOTRONIC Nagel GmbH, 10.12.2015
PDF (203 KB), Only in German

Ultrasonic - Intensified degradation of biomass for biogas plants - Process, Labor Praxis, 10.01.2012
Only in German

Expert opinion confirms economic efficiency - BNN, 23.07.2010
PDF (1,72 MB), Only in German

Intensification of anaerobic sludge stabilization with ultrasonic - DWA - Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall, 05.2009
PDF (579 KB), Only in German

Reference letter

Hände schreiben an einem Laptop, der auf einem Schreibtisch steht

Reference letter Ahrensburg -  Städtische Versorgungsbetriebe Ahrensburg, 2021
PDF (427 KB), English only

Reference letter Bünde - Kommunalbetriebe Bünde, 2021
PDF (35 KB), English only

Reference letter Leinetal - EW Wasser GmbH, 2021
PDF (46,6 KB), English only

Reference letter Meldorf - Wasserverband Süderdithmarschen Kläranlage Meldorf, 2021
PDF (39,8 KB), English only

Reference letter Rudolstadt - ZWA Saalfeld-Rudolstadt, 2021
PDF (608 KB), English only

Reference letter Bamberg - Entsorgungs- und Baubetrieb der Stadt Bamberg, 2014
PDF (2,49 MB), English only